Choosing an efficient insulation material is fundamental for building a new home.

Click here to download the MASTER ISO catalog.

Frequently Asked Questions about insulation.

What means RCCTE, RCECE and SCE?

RCCTE (Regulamento das Características de ComportamentoTérmico dos Edifícios (DL 80/2006) / Regulation for the Caracteristics and Thermal Behaviour of Buildings.

RSECE (Regulamento dos Sistemas Energéticos de Climatização em Edifícios (DL 79/2006) / Regulation for the Energy Systems of Climatization in Buildings.

SCE (Sistema Nacional de Certificação Energética e da qualidade do ar nos edifícios (DL 78/2006) / National System of Energy Certification of the air quality in buildings.

Since when is required the SCE in Portugal?

In July 2007 the SCE it began to be applied in new and big buildings (> 1000 m2), in July 2008 it began to be applied in the smaller ones (< 1000 m3), and since the 1st January 2009 it is required for all kind of buildings.

  How is the SCE presented in Portugal?

Buildings are evaluated according to nine different categories from A+ to G that are included in the certification document and represented by coloured barcodes, as it happens with some domestic appliances.

How important is a good thermal insulation?

The thermal insulation has as main purpose to avoid thermal transferences. The MASTER ISO boards allow us to:
  • save about 35% in electric consuption concerning heating and cooling systems.
  • reduce the CO2 emissions
All this will, obviously, increase the quality of life of the populations.

What are the MASTER ISO boards?

 The MASTER ISO boards are made of polyisocyanurate (PIR) and were especially created for buildings construction.

This kind of material have an extremely low level of conductivity which is the capacitity of a material to delay the thermal heat flow which will allow us to use less thicknesses in order to obtain the same degree of insulation.

MASTER ISO boards have some other advantages such as:
  •    High resistance to compression
  •    Excellent dimensional stability
  •    Age resitance (minimum 50 years), these, estas
  •    boards are very often reused in other buildings
  •    CFC and HCFC free
  •    Waterproofing and transpirable
  •    Not attractive to insects and rodents

How can we use it?

The range MASTER ISO is constituted by 3 different products ISOWALL; ISOROOF; ISOFLOOR, with a fitting half-wood or male/female to avoid losing heat. Consulting you can find some application advice or you can just contact us directly.

What is the ETICS?

The ETICS is a thermal system which is used from the outside.
Polyurethane boards are the ideal option for ETICS because of its excellent adherence to different types of mortar and also because of the possibility of using smaller thicknesses, thanks to its excellent dimensional stability and resistance to compression.

Where is the ETICS used the most?

It is used a lot in restorations because inhabitants do not have to leave home during the installation.

Where can I find the MASTER ISO boards?

You can find it in any building material distributor or you can contact directly with Master Block.

Is insulation made with polyurethane boards safe?

The rigid polyurethane boards are absolutely innocuos to health. They also are the thermal insulation material the most used in Europe, specially in England, France and Germany.